Fee structure

Please find below our school fees for the 2024 academic year

Playgroup to Grade R
R7000 per term or R28000 per year or
or R2800 per month x 10 months

Primary School:
Foundation Phase: Grade 1 to 3
R8375 per term or R33 500 per year
or R3350 per month x 10 months

Intermediate Phase: Grade 4 to 7
R9000 per term or R36 000 per year
or R3600 per month X 10 months

Primary School Madrassa:
R1700 per term or R6800 per year

or R680 per month x 10 months

Please find below our school fees for the 2023 academic year
Playgroup to Grade R

R6500 per term or R26000 per year 

Primary School:
Foundation Phase: Grade 1 to 3
R7832 per term or  R31328 per year
Intermediate Phase: Grade 4 to 7
R8360 per term or  R33440 per year